
The Swan Nebula (NGC6618)


Scope:Altair 250mm f/5.3 RC
Camera:ZWO ASI 183MM Pro
Mount:iOptron CEM 120EC
Filters:Baader 35mn Ha
Exposure:211 x 2min Lights. Dark subtract and flat fielded.
Other CommentsThe final image consists of 121 x 120sec subs giving a total integration time of 4.03 hours. From an imaging perspective, the raw integration of this image before any further processing was ultra smooth with barely any noise in the background. I’ve never had an image look this smooth before, so can only surmise that imaging at around 2.5 airmass over the three nights is the cause of this.

With M17 being beyond its peak this year, I won’t be trying to add more data to it, so will call this image done.
Date Taken: 15-08-2023

The Crescent Nebula (NGC6888)


Scope:Altair 250mm f/5.3 RC
Camera:ZWO ASI 183MM Pro
Mount:iOptron CEM 120EC
Filters:Baader 35mn Ha
Exposure:160 x 2min Lights. Dark subtract and flat fielded.
Other Comments I did loose quite a few subs and ended up integrating a total of 160 x 120 sec subs giving me a total of 5.33 hours. I’ve not done too much on this other than and single restrained run of BlurExteminator and NoiseExterminator in PI and some dodge and burning in Affinity
Date Taken: 21-06-2023

The Elephant Trunk Nebula (IC1396)


Scope:Altair 250mm f/5.3 RC
Camera:ZWO ASI 1600MM Pro
Mount:iOptron CEM 120EC
Filters:Baader 35mn Ha
Exposure:411 x 1min Lights. Dark subtract and flat fielded.
Processing: The subs were many more than I thought. I did loose a few to cloud, but in the end I managed to integrate 6.85 hours worth. I was told about the magic of Russ Croman’s BlurExterminator and NoiseExterminator, so I added a 30 day trial for both. The data was very smooth, so all that has been done to this is one round of BlurExterminator followed by star extraction using Starnet 2 so I could then work on the nebulosity in Affinity2 for some localised dodge and burn, background noise reduction and selective high pass sharpening. then back into PI and added the stars back. That’s it..
Other Comments
Date Taken: 24-06-2020

The Cocoon nebula (IC5146)


Scope:Takahashi 106 f/5
Camera:SBIG STL-11000M
Mount:Paramount GT-1100S and Paramount PME
Filters:Ha & RGB
Exposure:10 x 5min Lights & 7 x 3min of each RGB. Dark subtract and flat fielded.
Processing: All images were combined, calibrated and stacked in Pixinsight 1.08. DBE followed by ABE to remove any background gradient – which was minimal. This was then followed by a bit of Multi Scale Linear Transformation to reduce the noise, followed by a full stretch.Then given a HDR Multiscale Transform to bring out some of the detail nebula, before loading the image into Affinity Pro for a final tweek and a High Pass sharpen.
Other CommentsMy first deep sky image using the scopes on the iTelescope remote network. The 10 images were taken over two days on the T14 and T20 scopes in New Mexico. Both scopes use the same Takahashi 106mm refactor and SBIG camera.
Date Taken: 14-01-2018

B33(Horsehead Nebula) and NGC 2024


Scope:TMB 80mm APO Refractor at f/6
Camera:SBIG 2000 XM
Mount:Losmandy G11 – Gemini Series III GoTo
Filters:Astrodon 6nm h-alpha
Exposure:11 x 10 min Bin 1×1 0c Dark Subtracted, No Flats
Processing: The combined subs were run through digital development in ImagesPlus with a soft sharpen. The image was transferred to Photoshop where the high signal areas were given some curve adjustment to increase contrast. Finally the midtones were given some gentle smoothing using the Reduce Noise filter while the high signal areas were given some gentle sharpening.
Other CommentsThese subs were taken way back in March. With only 110 minutes worth, I didn’t think they would be worth processing. I would like to add more data to this image next winter, but I’m quite happy with the result.
Date Taken:10-03-2006

Bright Nebula IC 1318B & Dark Nebula B347


Scope:TMB 80mm APO Refractor at f/6
Camera:SBIG 2000 XM
Mount:Losmandy G11 – Gemini Series III GoTo
Filters:Astrodon 6nm h-alpha
Exposure:12 x 15 min Bin 1×1 0c Dark Subtracted, No Flats
Processing: A simple Digital Development stretch in ImagesPlus with adjustment for the background levels and midpoint. Very little in the way of curves were applied to the image as a whole, although the high signal areas were pushed a little harder then given a gentle unsharp mask. The dark noisy areas were given some mild smoothing.
Other CommentsThe digital Development in I.P basically made all the curve adjustment in Photoshop redundant. This has the effect of not pushing the dark, low signal areas so much that noise becomes a problem. Yet the process has eaked out so much more detail that I find it hard to believe both images are based on the same data.
Date Taken:29-06-2006